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A vision with action

A vision with action

In this report, we outline ambitious goals to become carbon neu-tral, develop more circular solutions, and adhere to the UNGPs and OECD guidelines throughout our business and supply chain by 2030. We describe how we will work towards achieving them and our 2021 ambitions and actions including the purpose behind them.

Measure to Improve

Carbon neutral

Achieve a 70% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 across:

  • facilities
  • transport and travel
  • supply chain.

Offset any residual emissions.

Circular solutions

Circular Materials throughout the value chain:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Design sustainability into new products, solutions and sales models.

Social responsibility

Implement UNGP and OECD guidelines throughout our supply chain and cascade to the next level from the largest suppliers.

Even though our business is driven by SDG 3, and our operations are important in the work towards our one million lives goal, it is our responsibility to operate in a manner that has minimal negative impact in the process. We know that accounting for own operations is not enough. We must look more broadly and take responsibility for other elements of our value chain. By accepting this obligation, we will work with partners to find better and more sustainable solutions for the future.

We hope this report will inspire customers, partners, and employees to innovate and generate new initiatives to create a better future - together.

“Vision without action is a dream. Action without a vision is chaos.”

Japanese Proverb


More from the sustainability report:

 Helping save lives

We are committed to achieving our goal of helping save one million more lives and doing so in a sustainable manner.

 Measure to improve

All direct and indirect emissions generated as a result of our economic activity across the three emission scopes are measured in a proven, methodical manner. 


 Carbon neutral

Achieve a 70% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. Across; facilities, transport and travel, and supply chain. 
Offset any residual emissions.

 Circular solutions

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 
Design sustainability into new products, solutions, and sales models. We aim to use circular materials throughout the value chain. 

 Social responsibility

Implement UNGP and OECD guidelines throughout our supply chain and cascade to the next level from the largest suppliers.