The smart way to teach CPR online
COVID-19 has changed the way CPR training is delivered. Anniewhere enables you to teach CPR skills remotely (online/ virtually) and in classrooms with real-time objective feedback.
We know CPR training creates lifesavers. But for years, providing accurate and objective feedback on the performance of students has been a challenge for instructors. Until now.
The QCPR Classroom App is now available for our Little Anne QCPR with feedback and a gaming element. This enables instructors to enhance the quality of CPR training, classroom efficiency and learner engagement – with up to 42 Manikins at the same time.
Check how every learner is performing with feedback on depth, release, rate and ventilations.
Motivate learners to go from “passed” to "perfection".
See how the whole class performed, and get tips on group improvement.
Up to 12 students race against each other in an exciting and engaging test of CPR skills.
Setting up a CPR Classroom has never been easier – the app onboarding guides the user in 3 simple steps
QCPR Classroom app works with:
*Android currently only offers the QCPR Classroom in Learner mode for use with the Anniewhere web solution