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Laerdal Scenario Cloud

High-quality, expert-validated scenarios from Laerdal and partners.

SimStore reimagined

Find, organize and customize simulation scenarios with Laerdal Scenario Cloud.

Coming soon
Laerdal’s cloud-based platform for simulation scenarios has changed for the better. With Scenario Cloud, multiple users on multiple devices will have access to Laerdal’s entire scenario library - with one subscription.  

Extra care for existing customers
Users of Laerdal’s previous SimStore will have access to all previously purchased scenarios on Scenario Cloud by using existing login credentials. 

Update your LLEAP and SimPad to the latest software version to find all your previously purchased scenarios accessible for every registered user. Scenarios are easily synchronized and updated across devices and users, and you can use them on multiple manikins simultaneously.

Let's keep in touch!
Sign up to be the first one to know about the market release of Laerdal Scenario Cloud. 

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.